Abraham Weil was awarded a 2016 NWSA Graduate Scholarship Honorable Mention for cutting-edge feminist scholarship that is comparative, global, intersectional, and interdisciplinary. His dissertation title is "Trans*Versality: Anti-Black Racism, Trans*Politics, and Molecular Revolution."
Liz Verklan successfully defended her dissertation, “Objects of Desire: Feminist Inquiry, Transnational Feminism and Global Fashion”
Tori Adams successfully completed her written comprehensive exams.
The following students received WOSAC Fall Travel Awards. This competitive award grants four stipends of $500 each, per semester, to help fund graduate student travel to conferences.
Harrison Apple attended the Society for American Archivists Annual National Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Apple presented a paper titled “Walking the Walk: Segregation in the Pittsburgh Queer History Projects Archives”.
Stephanie Murphy attended the Social Science History Association (SSHA) 41st Annual Meeting: Beyond Social Science History: Knowledge in an Interdisciplinary World in Chicago, Illinois. Murphy's paper was titled "Strong in Body, Clean in Mind, Lofty in Ideals: Basketball as Progressive Era Pedagogy".
Gloria Negrete-Lopez attended the 2016 National Women Studies Association (NWSA) Annual Conference: Decoloniality in Montréal, Québec Canada. Negrete- Lopez presented a paper titled “Towards a Decolonial Shift: An Epistemological Turn to Prison Abolition from a Chicana Feminist Framework".
Abraham Weil attended the 2016 National Women Studies Association (NWSA) Annual Conference: Decoloniality in Montréal, Québec Canada. Weil's paper was titled “Missing Links: Decolonial Animalities”.
CONGRATULATIONS to our students on these outstanding accomplishments!