Congratulations to our Faculty, Affiliated Faculty, and Graduate Students!

Sept. 6, 2018

Adam Geary, GWS faculty, for receiving a prestigious Reducing Time of Doctoral Degree (RTDD) Seed Grant from the UA Graduate College. Dr. Geary's project, "Designing a Comprehensive Examination Structure to Improve Time to Degree and Educational Outcomes", will investigate best practices and models for the written comprehensive exam that promise to reduce time to degree. Research and models will be presented to the GWS faculty for discussion and possible adoption. Dr. Geary will supervise the quarter-time graduate research assistant (made possible by this grant award) and lead the implementation of new practices resulting from this project.

Sav Schlauderaff, GWS Ph.D. student, for a very busy fall, full of exciting conference presentations and publications. Sav will be presenting in November at the NWSA Annual Conference Just Imagine. Imagining Justice: Feminist visions of freedom, dream making and the radical politics of futures. Subtheme Two: Rethinking gender, sexuality, disability and the bio-politics of what is or is not human? Panel on Tinkering with the Human: Technologies Defining the Self and Other Queer/Crip Premonitions: “Recreational Genetics and Re-Imagining Agency for the Disabled Biocitizen.” in Atlanta, GASav will also be presenting in October at the QGrad Conference “Altern-net Bodies: Fat/Crip/Queered Identities, Expressions, and Cyber Activism.” Panel TBD: “Controlling Our Fat, Undesirable, Mutant Bodyminds: Examining Choice Versus Survival through 23andMe’s Health + Ancestry Testing Kits.” at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Sav is currently guest editing a themed issue in Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society on Futurities, Science and Technology and has an upcoming publication in a transgender narratives anthology (Kristi Carter and James Brunton) titled "Trans Queer Crip Pedagogies: Intersectional Accessibility Within and Beyond the Classroom".

Beth Alpert Nakai, Associate Professor, Arizona Center for Judaic Studies & School of Anthropology and GWS affiliated faculty had her article "How to Avoid Gender-Based Hostility During Fieldwork" published in the Chronicle for Higher Education. You can read the full article HERE.