Aileen A. Feng, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, French and Italian

Office: Modern Languages 570

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (2008). Associate Professor and Director of Italian Studies; Faculty Affiliate, Department of Gender & Women's Studies. Dr. Feng specializes in late-Medieval and Renaissance Italian literature with comparative interests in Latin and Medieval-Renaissance French literature. Her research and teaching interests include literature and politics, Italian lyric, especially Petrarch, neo-Latin humanism (Quattrocento), Petrarchism in Italy and France, Querelle des femmes, Questione della lingua, Renaissance exemplarity, and early modern conceptions of gender performativity.

2016-2017:  Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fellow, Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Renaissance Studies, Florence, Italy.

Fellowship (book) project: Feminism's First Paradox: Female Misogyny and Homosociality in Early Modern Italy


Writing Beloveds:  Humanist Petrarchism and the Politics of Gender.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.  


The Poetry of Burchiello (ca. 1404-1449):  Deep-fried Nouns, Hunchbacked Pumpkins, and Other Nonsense. Trans. and notes by Fabian Alfie and Aileen A. Feng.  Tempe, AZ: ACMRS Press, 2017.

Rethinking Gaspara Stampa in the Canon of Renaissance Poetry.  Ed. Unn Falkeid & Aileen A. Feng. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015.    

(now published by Routledge: