Simin Karimi, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Linguistics

Simin Karimi is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics.  She has also appointments in the Cognitive Science Program, The Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, the joint Program in Linguistics and Anthropology, the Department of Near Eastern Studies, and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
Her research is focused on various syntactic topics within Chomskyan theoretical framework.  She has worked extensively on word order and scrambling, the interaction of syntax and discourse (focus and topic), the syntax, semantics and morphology of complex predicate constructions, and complex DPs (including relative clauses), among some other topics.  Her focus is on the syntax of Iranian languages, specifically Persian, but has worked on other languages as well.  She has published journal articles, book chapters, one book length monograph, and is the editor/co-editor of four books.