Jadwiga Pieper Mooney, Ph.D.

In my research and teaching, I focus on Latin America, Gender, and Comparative/Global and World History. I am especially interested in human rights, women's rights, gender equity, and notions of inclusion and exclusion in the making of modern nations. My first book, The Politics of Motherhood: Maternity and Women's Rights in Twentieth-Century Chile (Pittsburgh University Press, 2009), presents a study of citizenship rights in Chile through the lens of gender analysis.
I have also written about forced sterilization campaigns and human rights violations in Peru and North Carolina to contribute to our understanding of how different groups of women have suffered the consequences of aggressive sterilization campaigns. My ongoing research projects also include transnational women's activism, and the forging of global feminisms in the post WWII era. Currently, I am working on my second book, tentatively titled Re-thinking Roads to Revolution: The (Global) Politics of Chilean Exile in the Cold War. It represents a "street-level" history of the Cold War, and starts with a detailed analysis of Chilean exile in East and West Berlin. For many, the significance of the Berlin Wall was both symbolic and real. Yet, the history of the Chilean Diaspora reveals a movement of people and political projects across the (ideological) walls of the Cold War; the history of Chilean exile helps break down the image of to wall - and the Iron Curtain - as a rock-solid, cold, unyielding frontier.
In the past decade I have taught a wide variety of courses in Latin American History, as well as courses in Global and Comparative History. Those included different approaches to teaching Modern Latin America, US-LA Relations, Oral History, Histories of Gender and Sexuality in Europe and the Americas, Histories of Latin American Revolutions, and Gender and Sexuality in Latin American History. Most recently, I developed and taught a new course titled Colony to Nation to the 21st Century: Politics and Culture in Chilean History and a Graduate Colloquium, Readings in Latin American History: Early Nation-Building to the 21st Century. I am looking forward to teaching a course with a focus on The Global 1960s and on the History of the Cold War when I return from field research. Currently, I am in the process of designing a course proposal on Histories of the Irish Diaspora in the Americas. I am also excited about developing a syllabus and teaching a new course on World History in the near future.