Lazz Kinnamon

Lazz Kinnamon is an interdisciplinary scholar and teacher who works at the intersection of Gender and Women's Studies, political economy, and critical theory. Their current book project, "Playing Attention: Marxism, Feminism, and the Politics of Presence," tracks the concept of attention from a materialist perspective to push back against presentist and technologically deterministic views of the so-called attention crisis in the US. The project looks at a variety of attention techniques from Silicon Valley mindfulness to second wave feminist Consciousness Raising to Pauline Oliveros' experimental sound exercises. The first publication from this project examines Silicon Valley mindfulness alongside Foucault's Care of the Self, and is featured in the special issue of Women & Performance "Living Labor: Marxism and Performance Studies." 

Research Interests: Gender and sexuality studies; the history of racial capitalism; psychoanalysis; trans, queer, and feminist theory; attention and perception; Marxism; Science and Technology Studies; performance studies; affect theory; social movements

Selected Fellowships and Awards:
2019-2020, Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship
2019-2020, AAUW Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Declined)
2019, Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies 
2018, Social and Behavioral Sciences Dissertation Grant, University of Arizona
2018, Mary Lily research grant, Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture, Duke University
2016, Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship
2016, Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry, Graduate Fellowship


Selected Works:

Attention Under Repair: Asceticism from Self-Care to Care of the Self, Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory (January 2017)


Public Scholarship: