Stephanie Brown

Office: Modern Languages 344
Steph Brown has been a lecturer in the Department of English since 2014 and became GWS affiliate faculty in 2016. Her research interests include Anglophone modernism, mass cultural movements in the British Empire during the early twentieth century, literature of decolonization and the end of Empire, women’s and queer activism, and literature and rhetorics of protest. Her current book project, Unlikely Encounters: Female Activists and State Surveillance in Britain, 1905-1930, maps state surveillance of women’s political activism in Britain and throughout the Empire, and activist responses to this surveillance. She is also leading a collaboration of scholars from several universities in the US, Canada, and the UK on a critical edition of Edith Ayrton Zangwill’s 1924 novel The Call. She has recent and forthcoming work in Criticism (2014), Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature (2017) and Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (2016). She teaches courses on British Literature and Culture since 1900, Postcolonial Literature, Shakespeare (admittedly an outlier), and Gender and Protest Rhetoric.